Bus Entry to Campus Q & A

Bus Entry to Campus Q & A

1. How much is the bus fare? Can I use my own EasyCard or iPASS to take the bus? Are there any discounts available?

A: For the Nantou County Route 1 bus (Puli to National Chi Nan University), the fare approved by the Highway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, is between 25 to 30 TWD. Passengers can certainly use any EasyCard or iPASS for the bus ride, and cash payment is also acceptable. However, using a personal EasyCard or iPASS will incur the full fare. A 40% discount (15 to 18 TWD) is available only for holders of the school's student ID cards that have integrated iPASS functionality. School faculty and staff IDs offer a 10% discount when swiped. Therefore, to save money, remember to use the school's student ID or faculty/staff ID when boarding the bus!

2. Should I swipe my card when getting on or off the bus?
A: Apart from boarding at the campus, you need to swipe your card both when getting on and off the bus. If you forget to swipe your card, it will be locked!

3. Do I need to swipe my card when boarding the bus only for on-campus travel?
A: If you are only traveling within the campus and getting on and off within school grounds, such as from the Administrative Building to the Technology Building without leaving the campus, you don’t need to swipe your card! When boarding, please show your school student ID to the driver and inform them that you will be getting off on campus. The Nantou Bus driver will print a ticket for the school passenger. Remember to deposit the ticket in the fare box when getting off. The cost of on-campus travel for both students and faculty/staff is subsidized by the school.

4. Does the Nantou Bus have a dedicated luggage space? 
A: Currently, Nantou Bus operates various types of vehicles including standard Class-A buses, low-floor buses, and accessible buses. Only the standard Class-A buses have dedicated luggage space. While the standard low-floor and accessible city buses do not have a specific area for luggage, their interiors are spacious enough to accommodate luggage, so bringing a suitcase on board should not be a problem.

5. What should I do if there is a problem with the iPASS deduction on my student ID or faculty/staff ID? 

A: If you are a student, please contact the Registration Division of the Academic Affairs Office for assistance. If you are a faculty or staff member, please contact the Affairs Team of the General Affairs Office. If necessary, the school will ask the vendor to assist with the inspection.

6. What should I do if my iPASS or EasyCard gets locked?

A: If your iPASS or EasyCard is locked, you need to handle it with Nantou Bus. Currently, in the Puli area, the places that can assist with this issue include the Guoguang Bus Puli Station and the Nantou Bus Terminal (located on the road between the Puli Post Office and the CPC gas station). Please ensure to swipe your card when boarding and alighting the bus to avoid getting your card locked.