Announcement on the Prohibition of Motorcycles on the Main Circular Road

Announcement on the Prohibition of Motorcycles on the Main Circular Road

  1. The school implements separate traffic flow for cars and motorcycles, and large heavy motorcycles follow the same routes as regular motorcycles within the campus. Please drive according to the motorcycle route map planned by the school (as shown in the attached diagram).
  2. The school's security guards conduct random checks on the main circular road. If there is any violation of driving or parking rules, a Traffic Violation Notification will be issued in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the school's Vehicle Management Regulations, and a violation fee of 100 New Taiwan Dollars will be charged.
  3. Additionally, please be aware of Article 12 of the school's Vehicle Management Regulations, which states that a vehicle's pass will be revoked for 3 months after 3 traffic violations.

The General Affairs Office Cares About You

機車行進路線圖/Motorcycle Route Map

機車專用道/Motorcycle Dedicated Lane

機車通行區/Motorcycle Traffic Area

會館區機車行進路線/Motorcycle Route in the Scholar Hall Area

Residents of Faculty and Staff Dormitory Area with School's Approval Must Wear Main Circular Road Access Pass While Driving.

學人會館/Scholar Hall

Motorcycle Route Map